Wednesday, 10 October 2007

still here

Well I am still here even if I am a lot quieter than usual. I have been trying to have a sort out of my craft stuff.....quite a feat in itself. I really don't know how I accumulated this fact I think that someone has been bringing in extra in the night and leaving it.....maybe a case of having stash you think??

I am no closer to deciding what I want to do. I am off to speak to the Uni on Friday, I have a psychometric test on Wednesday (hhhmmm wonder what I will find out about me) and the ever looming birthday is on Thursday.

Ffi's specialist appointment will soon be here.... a new one so fingers crossed we might find out what is has been over 4 years and still we really know nothing. I so hope that we get to the bottom of things this time both for Ffi and for us. The picture is Ffi posing by the main lake in the park that is home.

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