Wednesday 3 February 2010

I wonder if I can remember how!

Well when you have picked yourself up off the floor at the shock of an update, I'm sure you will be asking yourself what I'm wondering if I can remember how to do.
The answer comes in several forms........firstly can I even remember how to blog, its been so very very long since I did.
The reason..... well again several really, Jays dad who we all loved totally died and left a huge gap that can't be filled and his mum has been quite poorly for a long time now but hopefully will soon be living independantly again albeit in a new bungalow and not the family home. Sadie their dog also died and Jays mum now has a new jack russell puppy called Hattie (so its not all doom and gloom).
Next reason ..... my beautiful Ffi, it has been a long long haul but we finally have diagnosis for her problems.... We had the dyspraxia diagnosis and then unhappy at the way things were going we took her out of area and she was given the diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome......this led to a total turmoil of mixed feelings mainly anger that she had gone through almost seven years of being pushed from pillow to post here and the new specialist out of county knew within an hour of meeting Ffi, how the hell can that be. Anyhow the diagnosis wasn't the end but the beginning of new battles trying to get help for Ffi. That said I wouldn't change Ffi for the world but I often wish I could change the world for her :) We are currently awaiting results from tests to see if Ffi also has ADD this is the one thing I always thought Ffi had so it will be interesting to see the result although the forms we filled seemed to be very ADHD oriented questions and she isn't hyperactive so we will just have to wait and see how things turn out. Ffi will move to secondary school in September so this could make a real difference for her.
How to craft, yes I certainly seem to have forgotten how to do that......its so long since I did anything that I'm sure my mojo has gone on a round the world and then back the opposite way cruise. But I have made the decision to use it or lose it and I really don't want to lose it (I love my stamps far too much) so it looks like I'm back :)
My photography also has suffered so I have decided to do a picture a day kind of thing....just sheer randomness and I am not sure how I will upload yet.... probably not everyday and maybe even a new blog just for that.. I hope to start this very soon :)
And finally.....(if you got this far and are still awake then well done :) ) I am hoping there will be a little less of me as the posts go on..... I decided I needed to lose some weight.... EEK. I have a headstart on this one as I actually decided that 3 weeks ago and so far I have lost 6 and a half pounds...... still a way to go with this ongoing project then. lol
I feel the need for a picture and obviously I'm not blogging well as it has stuck it at the top and I can't remember how to move it. The picture is my beautiful Ffi with Dolly our friends dog. Ffi loves Dolly (I can't for the life of me remember what breed Dolly is but she is Italian and she is huge and lives in a paddock with Bentley the horse during the daytimes). The picture was taken about eight months ago so Ffi has grown a little since then. Well thats it then and for those of you not totally bored of my ramblings..... I'll be back!

1 comment:

butterfly dream cards said...

I can only send you hugs and love from me and the family, my own family and our crafting family......your one great Mum...........fiona H